i will come back to write all about all things fire circle at soulodge. i promise. just not today.
today i need to tell you that i listened to my body. i consulted with a darling wise soul who told me things about being selfish and gave me a specific set of instructions to follow, should i feel called to follow them, and i do. i am ready.
i listened to my body. she cried out in shame. in hunger. she was thirsty, famished, and tired.
there is a place i want to live from. it is a starting point. i had a hundred and one ideas on how to get there from the exiled place i was living in.
do you know when you 'know' something? it's like that truth resides in you and you are aware of it but you just haven't tapped into it ... but then you do and then you know and there is no fucking going back now? that.
that is the part i'm afraid to tell you about. because now i have to reserve a lot of what i know and just. live. it.
there is no 'getting there'.
we are already there.
embody the place from which you want to live.
there. i refuse to give you more.
the struggle is real, dear ones. there are women online selling magical secrets that unlock all aspects of self love but yet they refuse to show their bodies, teeth, necks, living spaces in photos. i have observed this and hand to God i bear no judgement inside of this observation. their struggles lend a layer of truth to my experience. i walk alongside you knowing that you simply cannot help me. i see you over there living in the struggle. i trust you will tap into the gold mine i happened upon when you are ready.
Right now, my Holy Hush has begun. I am reflecting, living, and dreaming alongside a sweet group of women this month. The registration closes tomorrow.
If you are interested in joining us but you are still not sure, here is our day one work. Have a look. If it speaks to you, come over here to sign up.
Hey. I love you. Today is all about one foot in front of the other.